Professionally produced CDs for purchase
Professionally produced CDs for purchase
So far there are THREE professionally produced CDs which are available for you to purchase. These need to be ordered by emailing Some are also available from itunes.
Here is a clip of a live performance of IN MY WAY... duet with Talitha Power recorded on the "til the sun comes up" album.
',width:'100',height:'100'" width="100" height="100" align="" />A little about "'Til the Sun comes up
a special album, inspired by the loss of my husband......
1. In Shining Armour - a tribute to my late husband, Joe Bove. I made a simple clip for this and uploaded it to Youtube. You can view and listen to it here:
2. I Will Believe - My niece asked me how I could still believe in God when Joe had died. This song answers that question.
3. 'Til the Sun Comes Up. This song seemed to sum up all that I wanted to say after having lost my husband and witnessing the experiences of others - Keep on moving, 'til the sun comes up - just keep breathing when the times are tough. The people mentioned in the song are real people but the names are changed.
4. Born in boots. This one of my quirky songs that I enjoyed singing. It also tells my own story about people's attitudes... ie is she really country? ppl from city say yes for sure, but country ppl wonder if you are really country enough to belong.... funny thing perceptions... you can sample this song here:
5. In my Way. This is a fun song with a twist at the end. It is a duet with my amazing daughter, Talitha.... and is about her - and me.
6. Living in the Promised Land. This is a simple ballad, telling the story of my Grandfather and father.... my Grandfather came to Australia from Malta. Yes there is a play on words... Australia was seen as a kind of promised land of opportunity, but as with most Maltese there is also a deep faith in God, and so they are living in the promised land in more ways than one.
7. Country Singing Star. The favourite song on the album of the man who produced the album, John Quinn. Country Singing Star is another quirky, tongue in cheak kind and was written about real experiences - the stories in the verses still make me laugh.
8. Choose me. When a man gets involved with you and then decides he needs to go back to his old girlfriend, you should RUN away.... but if you don't you might relate to this song.
9. That you'd love me. Ah... the broken heart... we all respond differently when hurt, but I think it is important to try to respond in a way that gives life.
10. A vast Brown Land. This is a kind of anthem style song about being an Australian girl. There are some very important little girls who sang in the chorus of this song with me, one being my other beautiful and amazing daughter, Brittany. you can hear this here:
If you'd like to order a CD please contact
$20 Australian. plus postage....